Wednesday, April 7, 2010

TV Movie of the Week: Nightmare

It was the size of a dot. I wanted to know when he was going to get it out, but the Dr. wanted to make sure it was actually cancer, so a biopsy was in order. Let's wait.......biopsy was negative. Another scan and now it was bigger. Another biopsy. Let's wait.....negative, but maybe he wasn't getting it. Now it was recommended to go see another Dr. in Chicago. Okay, let's meet this one, and set up yet another biopsy. Results right away though. Her fingers are slender and can get to where this growth is. Got's cancer. But now it's grown large enough to take over the blood supply of the tongue. It is now recommended that we see another Dr. in another hospital in Chicago where part of the team of Drs. is a radiation specialist who uses radiation a second time, which I guess is rare. Here they will remove his tongue and more lymph nodes, and give radiation and chemo. This is just the beginning.

Monday, March 22, 2010

My TV Movie of the Week

Actually, it has become a nightmare now. We were good together, he and I. We had fun. We loved each other. We laughed. We did things together, but could be separate as well. My younger daughter had her daughter, so now I had 2 grand daughters. His son had a daughter. Then, a small spot appeared on his tongue that wasn't there before. He had a biopsy that came back negative. Great! We went away for a weekend and it flared up. It sent shooting pains up his neck and into his ear. He went back to the surgeon and he took a larger sample. In the meantime he was on antibiotics, which took care of the pain and inflammation. We were in Vegas when he called about the "big C". He had squamicell cancer of the tongue. We wondered where that came from as he never smoked or chewed. He was referred to an ENT who told us that it could be the human papiloma virus, or the extensive dental work he had when he was younger that caused it. Could also be from drinking, but he wasn't an alcoholic or anything. He had him in the hospital that early July and took a portion of his tongue, and 40 lymph nodes in his neck. He did not expect this would come back. He had 6 weeks of radiation. The chemo doctor did not think he needed that, just radiation would do. He did that, and it was aimed at the neck and mouth area. He lost his taste, and he had burns all over the inside of his mouth and on his tongue. After that was all over and he had healed, we breathed a sigh of relief. It was over. We could go on with our lives once more. But then in January, 2008, he started having pains in his ear again. We went back to the ENT and he sent him for scans. Hold your was back.

My TV Movie of the Week

This is part 3. I met his son that day, along with a couple of his friends. They were great, but very curious about me. We got along great. We started to see each other every week. I finally got comfortable enough to spend the night. I hadn't felt this alive in years! My daughters met him and my granddaughter, and they loved him. This was all in 1995. We met on Nov. 4 that year. I filed for divorce, a non contested one, so that my soon to be ex would split the cost with me. We rented, and had no property to split or sell, and our daughters were old enough, so by Jan. 30, I had my divorce. Dave (the love of my life) got his divorce on Jan 31, 1996 for both, and on Feb. 1 the exes got married to each other. (best revenge ever)! That Saturday night, we had a Divorce Party! What a bash! We got congratulation cards, our kids were there! It was great! Now it was Dave and MO, together to make sure that this was not a rebound thing. It wasn't. On June 12, 1999, we got married before friends and family. Another bash! We left for our honeymoon the next day. We went to Reno. My first time on a plane. The next year, we went to Vegas, just to compare. We loved that so much, we went back the next year. After 9-11, we started driving to Vegas instead. We had the time by then, so we took 3 week road trips. The last time we went was in June, 2007. This will be the new purpose for my blog. Dave got a diagnosis of cancer. More later.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My TV Movie of the Week

When I last left off, I was going to call the other injured party in our significant others affair. I did, and he was very nice. We talked for a while and at the end of our conversation, some 2 hours later, we decided we were curious enough to meet, but we made sure to tell each other that we weren't looking for anything, just curious. So we figured out where to meet, and 4 days later, at 7 pm, we met at a neat place in a local mall. We had a drink, then another, then we got a pitcher, then food, then another pitcher. Then we went to another place. We talked and laughed all night, literally. He brought me back to my car at 4 am. We talked some more, then we kissed, then kissed again. What was this I was feeling? It was excitement! I hadn't felt that in a very long time! This man had the best smile, and his eyes were beautiful, and he had a nice ass, too! At least, I thought so through his jeans! Anyway, I tore myself away from him and he asked if he could see me again and I said yes. (Thank God I didn't hoot and hollar and scare him off!) I was home and in bed by 5, and at 9, he called and asked me to come over to watch the Bears with him. I figured I would, so at 12 (fashionably late), I left my house to go to his. I was there by 12:30. More later

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My TV Movie of the Week

Those of us who lived through the 70s know what that title means. Back in the day before On TV, or HBO and all others, there was the TV movie of the week. Usually after Marcus Welby. Boy, am I dating myself! I am known as MO, and back in the 70s, my first marriage was to a guy with the initials of J.O. (I should have known he would live up to those). We had two daughters, and when they grew up, they had daughters of their own. J.O. and I were married for 21 years. That was really 20 too many. He was mean, jealous, and just plain not nice. He worked on and off, and I finally made him get a good job with insurance and benefits (bad wife). And it was there that he met his current wife. She was married as well, but for some reason, that wasn't enough to stop either of them. They moved out together after about 6 months, then moved back after 2 weeks, claiming they were so sorry. That didn't last, though, and they started in again. She moved out then, and J.O. started going to her house, then coming home, too. They had a fight one night, and she called my house phone (shock, no cell phone) and told me to come pick him up. I didn't , but I had what I thought was her number. She had a different one though. The number I had was her soon to be ex husbands. I started calling leaving choice messages. Poor guy, he had been out and drinking and came home to a barrage of calls from me. I had talked to him once before when I knew they were fooling around again, so he knew who I was. He called me back and gave me the correct number. He sounded so nice and I felt bad. I couldn't see why anyone would leave a nice guy for a J.O. (again, the initials). Anyway, I threw him out when he got home. After a couple of weeks, I called the other scorned one (her soon to be ex) to see how he was doing. That will begin a whole new blog, next time. Stay tuned........